Death Defying Truck Drifting on a Public Road in Poland
I'm going to take some heat from the rest of the staff here for this one, but if Addix could post an article about his love for the Will Ferrell movie Elf, I could throw this video up here of a couple of idiots drifting on a public street in a semi. This video is interesting in a couple of ways. First, there's other cars on the road, which just happen to not get absolutely crushed and the occupants ripped to shreds in a huge ball of fire.
Second, this video is interesting because who the Hell in their right mind is thinking: "Hey, we got this huge mother fucking truck here, this video camera, and the roads are completely covered in ice. I gotta great idea, let's make a video."
Death Defying Truck Drifting on a Public Road in Poland
The Nudge
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